Contracting sector

Contracting sector
The contracting sector is a vital sector that relies heavily on the services and products provided by companies such as our company in the field of iron and steel. “MZ Steel” for Local Supplies offers a variety of services that support contracting in infrastructure projects. Here is a breakdown of the most important services that the company provides to the contracting sector:

Basic Material Supply

“MZ Steel” supplies basic materials such as steel plates, pipes, bars and formwork which are essential in infrastructure projects.

Supplying concrete structures

contributes to infrastructure projects by supplying concrete structures, columns, formwork, and concrete slabs.

Supply of heat-treated materials

Providing heat-treated iron and steel materials to increase their strength and durability in infrastructure projects.

Surface Treatment

provides surface treatment services such as polishing and painting to improve appearance and performance.

Supplying zinc-treated products

Providing zinc-treated products such as galvanized sheets and galvanized pipes

Consulting Services

 “MZ Steel” for local steel supplies can provide technical and engineering consultations to support companies in planning and implementing projects.

Finally, contracting sector projects depend on high-quality materials and professional services to ensure success and quality in implementation. “MZ Steel” for local steel supplies plays an important role in providing these materials and services and contributing to delivering durable and sustainable projects in various industries such as infrastructure, industry, etc.