About Us

About Us

“MZ Steel” is a leading company in import and export and local steel supplies. It was established in Qalubia in 2014. The company works hardly to provide its customers in Egypt and international markets, with the best types of iron and steel. “MZ Steel” for local supplies is also known for providing high-quality products and excellent services to industries that rely on building materials and metal structures. 

Our Vision

Our vision at “MZ Steel “for local steel supplies is to be a reputable and globally recognized company dedicated to import and export in the iron and steel industry, we aim to achieve excellence in providing products and services and build relationships based on trust and transparency with our customers.


Years of experience


Contracted Companies


Requests delivered successfully


Successfully Project

Why us?

We offer our valued customers the following benefits:

Product quality:“MZ Steel” for local steel supplies is concerned with providing high-quality products made of iron and steel, ensuring safety and reliability in various applications.

Excellence and experience:Our company has experience and experts in the iron and steel industry, which helps it to meet customer’s needs accurately and professionally.

Product Diversity: “MZ Steel” for local supplies provides a variety of iron and steel products in various shapes and sizes to suit different requirements.

Integrated services: In addition to products, the company offers additional services such as crane services and concrete structure services, making it a one-stop destination for construction needs.

Commitment to quality: The company adheres to the highest quality standards in its operations and follows strict procedures to ensure the provision of high-quality products and services.

Safety and security: The company ensures that production and service operations are carried out with safety and security in mind, to preserve its employees and customers.

Cost Competitiveness: “MZ Steel” for local steel supplies is distinguished by providing products and services at a competitive cost that makes it a cost-attractive option.

Environmental Commitment: The company takes into account the environmental impact of its operations and seeks to comply with environmental standards.

Based on these reasons, customers and companies can rely on “MZ Steel” for local steel supplies as a reliable partner and provider of products and services in the iron and steel industry. In the end, our company is committed to meeting customer’s needs and providing a comprehensive solution for civil engineering projects.


To ensure that the needs of our valued customers are well met, we provide them with these steps to facilitate the service request, which are as follows:

Inquiry and communicationby contacting the sales team at MZ Steel to ask your inquiry or request a specific service. This can be done by phone, email, or by visiting the company in person.

Providing detailed informationabout the required service, including quantities, sizes, technical specifications, and timetables.

Evaluation and suggestion: The MZ Steel team evaluates the client’s requirements and provides suggestions and guidance that suit the needs of the existing project. This stage may also include analyzing prices and expectations.

Quotation andNegotiationBased on the information provided, a quotation is prepared containing details of the service and cost. This stage can involve negotiations between the client and the company to reach a final agreement.

  • Approval and construction of the contractOnce the offer is approved and the details are determined, a contract is signed between the client and the company in which the contract specifies responsibilities, timelines and financial terms.
  • After signing the contract, the company begins implementing the required service following the agreement and specified specifications.
  • Quality control and inspection with periodic checks to ensure that the required standards and specifications are met.
  • Delivery and receiptwhere products or services are delivered to the customer and received by the contract.
  • Follow up and provideafter-sales serviceto assist in the event of additional problems or inquiries after delivery.

Do not forget that the experts of MZ Steel Company for importing, exporting and supplying iron sectors locally provide you with the various iron products that you need in your various projects. All you have to do is communicate immediately with us.


Request your service Request your service

MZ Steel Company is distinguished for importing, exporting and supplying iron sectors locally by its competitive and appropriate prices for a variety of products and services in the iron and steel sector, as providing reasonable prices and high quality is part of the company’s spirit, which is why the company always seeks to meet customer needs and provide an appropriate solution for industrial projects. The company’s prices reflect its commitment to providing high-quality steel products with various excellent consulting services.

Thanks to the company’s policy of providing exceptional value to customers, we conclude that MZ Steel for importing, exporting and supplying iron sectors locally is your first reliable destination for purchasing all iron and steel products. Therefore, dear customer, do not hesitate to request your service.

Our Prices Our Prices